Barton School District Open House is August 12, 2021 from 12:00 to 6:30.

Students will be able to tour the new high school building and check out the renovations to the other buildings!!

We encourage all parents and students to come and meet their teachers, see their classrooms, and receive the Barton Bear backpack that the district has purchased for all students.

Get a jump start on the paperwork! Fill out the Student Information page here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSefb0DkpIZi7J.../viewform

Other Important Information:
Student Handbook: https://www.bartonsd.org/browse/35979
Chromebook Information: https://www.bartonsd.org/page/chromebooks
School Calendar: https://www.bartonsd.org/browse/32440

We hope everyone enjoyed their summer and are ready to kick of an awesome new school year!